Warning: Read This to Rethink About Generous Living


Humphrey Monmouth’s Legacy and Rethinking About Generous Living:

In my quest to grow and learn about generosity, I recently came to hear the story of Humphrey Monmouth in John Rinehart’s book titled Gospel Patrons.  It’s a super short book.  It’s worth the read.

Humphrey Monmouth?  He is one of the great unsung heroes of the faith.  Someone we haven’t heard of but a man we are indebted to.

Humphrey Monmouth lived in the 16th century.  He wasn’t a famous theologian.  He was a wealthy merchant who had made a fortune in the cloth business.

Yes, he was a wealthy businessman.  And he played a significant part in the Reformation, perhaps as any of the more famous theologians and preachers.  You know Martin Luther?  You know John Calvin?  But do you know Humphrey?

Humphrey Monmouth’s greatest contribution arose out of his relationship with William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible.  William Tyndale pioneered the translation of the Scriptures into English from their original languages of Greek and Hebrew.  And Tyndale was martyred for his efforts in 1536!

But you know what, his work still lives because 90% of his words eventually passed on into the later King James Version of the Bible that had perhaps one of the most significant impacts in history.

Back in those days, it was against the law to translate the Bible into the vernacular, and only Latin was used by priests as the Catholic Church of the time deemed the Scriptures dangerous in the hands of the unlearned.

So how does Humphrey Monmouth fit into the story?

When Tyndale embarked on his mission to translate the Bible into English for commoners, he needed more than textbooks and inspiration.  He needed food, clothing and a place to stay.  He needed an income to survive.

And this wealthy businessman by the name of Humphrey Monmouth gave the young Tyndale room, board, and financial support as the young Tyndale worked intensely in his translation of the New Testament for 6 months!

Tyndale fled to Europe to continue his work due to pressures, but he could not have done this without the patronage of Humphrey Monmouth.

In England, Monmouth introduced Tyndale to a secret society of London merchants called The Christian Brethren, a group that eventually came to finance and import Christian literature to advance the cause of the Reformation in England.

Tyndale’s personal financial support and the cost of printing the Bible came out of this group.  Eventually, his bibles were smuggled into England in the bundles of cloth that were the basis of Humphrey Monmouth’s wealth.

The kingdom of God requires preachers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.  But it also requires businessmen and businesswomen, and others to faithfully serve God in their work like Monmouth did.

Monmouth’s contribution was no less spiritual and no less vital than that of Tyndale.  And this remains true today!

The preachers and missionaries have their place.  But the Humphrey Monmouths of this world need to equipped and encouraged to do the important work that God has called them to do.

Bible’s Patrons and Rethinking About Generous Living:

How did Jesus and his disciples fund their 3 years of ministry and preaching tours?  Bible tells us in Luke 8:1-3 that 3 generous women named Mary, Joanna, and Susanna came alongside Jesus and his disciples to provide for their ministry needs.   They provided for them out of their means.  Jesus Christ has Gospel patrons.

In the book of Acts, we meet Priscilla and Aquilla, a married couple who were businessmen.  They hosted a church in their house, came alongside Apollos, partnered with Apostle Paul as the risk of their own lives.

The only reason we get to hear the story of Priscilla and Aquilla 2000 years later is due to another Gospel Patron as we hear from Luke 1:3, the most excellent Theophilus who supported Doctor Luke in writing the Gospel of Luke as well as the book of Acts.

There is also a woman named Phoebe who opened up her home to host missionaries as well as the church in her city.  She assisted Apostle Paul and many others in their financial needs.

What if as John Rinehart describes in his book Gospel Patrons, we live our as Gospel Patrons, God’s stewards, generously living out our lives unto God, by resourcing what the Lord has entrusted to us and come alongside others to help them proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ?

We have a generous God.  How are you living out a generous life as his steward investing into eternal things that will last?

Ready to Start?

Are you ready to get started?  Contact me at paul@jangfinancial.com if you want to help disciple your congregation as God-honoring stewards from a biblical perspective, or if you yourself want to grow as a steward seeking to practically manage the finances better to hear from our Lord upon his return, “Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.  Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21, 23) 


Paul Jang

Pastor | Personal Financial Coach to Individuals & Financial Stewardship Ministry Consultant for Churches

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Paul Jang served as a full-time ordained pastor for close to 15 years in Bergen County, NJ. Currently, he serves as an associate pastor at the Church Gathered & Scattered and as a personal financial coach and a financial stewardship ministry consultant for churches at Jang Financial Coaching LLC (jangfinancial.com), he serves Christ-followers and churches position toward financial peace, independence, and generosity.  He is a certified Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, a certified small group facilitator of Compass, finances God’s way, and a member of Christian Stewardship Network.  Paul has been serving as a financial counselor for about decade and enjoys running while listening to a good audiobook on anything financial.  He is happily married to Joy and committed to raising 3 future stewards in God’s Kingdom.






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